Contrition consists of the sorrow of the soul, sincere aversion to offences against God, and the firm determination not to sin again.
Sorrow for sin is of two types:
a) Attrition (imperfect sorrow): It arises from fear of punishment (such as fear of hell or temporal punishments) and disposes the sinner to receive the sacrament of penance. However, it does not forgive sins before confession.
b) Contrition (perfect sorrow): It arises from sorrow for offending God because He is infinitely good and worthy of love for His own sake. It is called perfect because it is motivated solely by God's goodness, not by personal gain or fear. While it forgives sins and restores God's grace BEFORE confession, the obligation to confess them in the sacrament of penance remains.
First of all, we must bear in mind that Perfect Contrition is a grace-a great grace- from God. We should therefore constantly pray for it. Ask for it, not only when you wish to make an Act of Contrition, but often during the day. It should be the object of your most ardent desires.
:Who is This nailed to a Cross?
π: It is Jesus-my
God and Saviour.
What does he suffer?
π: The most
terrible pains in his body, it is bloodied and covered with wounds; his soul is
torn apart by pains and insults.
Why does He suffer?
π: For the sins of mankind, and so for mine also. In the abyss of His torments, He is thinking of me. He is suffering for me. He is making reparation for my sins.
Remain there at the foot of the Cross while the Blood of your Saviour falls drop by drop on your soul. Ask yourself how you have corresponded with these proofs of love. Call to mind your past sins, and, forgetting for a moment both Heaven and Hell, repent because your sins have reduced your Saviour to so pitiable a state. Promise Him that you will not crucify Him again, and then slowly and fervently repeat the Act of Contrition. Better still, repeat those wards of sorrow that will spontaneously rise up in your heart, now softened by grace and filled with a holy bitterness.
O my God! I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee; and I detest all my sins, because I dread the loss of heaven and the pains of hell, but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, Who art all good, and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life. Amen.
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