Thursday, 30 January 2025


Rembrant- Moses with the ten commandments

I am the Lord thy God:

1. Thou shalt not have strange gods before Me;

2. Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain;

3. Remember thou keep holy the Sabbath Day;

4. Honour thy Father and thy Mother,

5. Thou shalt not kill;

6. Thou shalt not commit adultery;

7. Thou shalt not steal;

8. Thou shalt not bear false witness;

9. Thou shalt not covet another's wife;

10. Thou shalt not covet another's goods.

The First Commandment

The First Commandment Imposes Upon Us:

·      To acknowledge, adore, love, and serve God alone as our Supreme Lord.

·      Internal Worship: Rendered by the faculties of the soul: intellect and will.

·      External Worship: Performed through outward actions and sensible objects.

This Commandment Forbids:

·      Idolatry: Rendering to any creature the worship of adoration owed to God.

·      Superstition:

o  Devotions contrary to the doctrine of the Church.

o  Attributing supernatural power to something.

·      Sacrilege: Violating sacred persons or things.

·      Heresy: Persistently denying a truth of faith.

·      Other Sins Against Religion:

o  Engaging in dealings with the devil.

o  Enrolling in anti-Christian sects. 

The Second Commandment

 The Second Commandment Commands Us:

·      To honour the holy name of God.

·      To fulfil vows and oaths:

o  Vows (Votum): A promise made to God concerning something good, possible, and better than its contrary. 

o  Oaths (Iuramentum): Calling upon God as a witness.

 The Second Commandment Forbids Us:

·      To pronounce the name of God without reverence.

·      To blaspheme against God and the Saints.

·      To make false, unnecessary, or unlawful oaths. 

The Third Commandment

The Third Commandment Obligates Us:

·      To observe Sundays and holy days.

·      To render honour to God through works of worship on feast days.

The Third Commandment Forbids:

·      Servile works on the days mentioned above.

·      Works that hinder the worship of God.

The Fourth Commandment

This Commandment obliges us:

·      To honour father and mother:

·      To Obey them in all things that are not sinful.

·      To assist them in their spiritual and temporal needs.

It Forbids Us:  To harm them by words, actions, or any other means.

Fifth Commandment

The Fifth Commandment commands us to:

·      Forgive our enemies

·      Love all people

·      The Fifth Commandment forbids:

o  Killing

o  Striking

o  Injury

o  Suicide

o  Scandal

Cases in which killing is permitted:

a) Fighting in a just war

b) Capital punishment

c) Legitimate self-defence

d) Unjust aggression

Sixth and Ninth Commandments

The Sixth and Ninth Commandments demand us to keep:

·      Chastity

·      Modesty

It forbids:

·      Any action, word, or look that is contrary to holy purity.

·      Infidelity in marriage.

The Ninth Commandment forbids:

·      Any desire contrary to marital fidelity.

·      Any sinful thought or prohibited act covered by the Sixth Commandment.

Seventh Commandment

The Seventh Commandment compel us to:

·      Respect the property of others.

·      Pay workers a just wage.

·      The Seventh Commandment forbids:

o  Stealing.

o  Unjustly withholding what belongs to others.

o  Damaging another’s property.

Ways of Unjustly Taking Another’s Property:

a) Theft – Secretly taking someone else's property.

b) Robbery – Taking another’s property by force or openly.

c) Fraud

d) Usury

Cases in Which Taking Another’s Property Is Permitted:

a) When the owner consents or unjustly refuses.

b) In extreme necessity – Taking only what is essential to meet an urgent and dire need.

Eighth Commandment

The Eighth precept commands us to:

·      Speak the truth.

·      Favourably interpret the actions of others.

It forbids:

·      Bearing false witness in judgment.

·      Detraction or gossip.

·      Revealing the sins or faults of others without a just cause.

·      Calumny – Falsely attributing faults to someone.

·      Flattery – Deceiving someone by speaking well of them or another insincerely.

·      Rash judgment and suspicion – Judging or suspecting someone wrongly without just cause.

·      Lying – Stating or implying something false, whether by words or actions.

Types of Lies:

a) jocose Lie – Told in jest, without harm to anyone. Venial sin.

b) Officious Lie – Told for one’s own or another’s benefit, without harm to anyone. Venial sin.

c) Harmful or malicious Lie – Causes harm to one’s neighbour. Mortal sin if it causes serious harm.

Tenth Commandment

The Tenth Commandment compels us to be content with the state in which God has placed us.

It forbids:

·      The desire to deprive one’s neighbour of their possessions.

·        The desire to acquire goods through unjust means.

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Rembrant- Moses with the ten commandments I am the Lord thy God: 1. Thou shalt not have strange gods before Me; 2. Thou shalt not take the N...